Doctors web pages how to create it and position yourself in Google as #1 health specialist

The creation of a doctor web page design should be focused on building trust with patients.

Creating doctor web pages can sometimes be a deep subject for a clinic owner or a doctor, but with the creation of a good structure it can be easier than expected.

Currently, many of the medical consultations begin long before going to the medical center, and this is on the internet, people tend to search the internet for the best option when going to a doctor. And the truth is that not all specialists, medical centers and clinics have a website to consult.

It is important to carry out a market study to know the different techniques that can be applied in a marketing strategy for clinics. That is why the first step is to carry out a market and competition study to find out what elements or techniques work best in each specialty.

What is the objective of the websites of doctors, clinics and beauty centers?

Knowing the main purpose of the website is very important, as this will help to understand how the site will look like, what it should do, what is the main functionality of the site, how its structure should be built.

If your objective is that the doctor’s web pages become a sales tool, it is necessary to carry out planning so that this objective is achieved.

How to create a doctor website?

The website for medical offices, doctors or clinics should focus on 3 important points:

The medical profile: publicizing all the experience, medical specialties, treatments and testimonials is essential to inform about all the practices and tools offered by the specialist and offer the best service to the user.

The patient: Placing the patient first is key to structuring a doctor’s web page, it is necessary that he can navigate easily and intuitively to quickly find the information he needs, generating an image of professionalism and confidence towards the medical personnel to contact.

Positioning in search engines: The website, in addition to having an excellent user experience, and offering information of interest, it is important that it be carried out thinking about positioning in Google, Bing, Yahoo, so that it can generate a flow of users that allow the growth of the web page.

Doctors Web Pages - Doctors Web Pages How To Create It And Position Yourself In Google As #1 Health Specialist

What information should a web page for a clinic contain?

It is important to create an easy navigation menu, which can help visitors to quickly access all the content of the website, for example: Home, specialties, treatments, appointments, contact, laboratory, among others.

Creation of a cover for the website that draws the attention of the users, which encourages them to continue investigating the website in search of the specialty or treatment they need.

Doctor profiles: make sure that the images of the doctors are of good quality and contain the same style, in addition to talking about the background and experience of each one.

Specialties and Treatments: Publicizing the different specialties, treatments, laboratories, and tests that are performed can guide users to find the information they are looking for and decide to hire this medical service.

Location and contact information: Placing the contact information is super important, the user who enters the clinic’s website needs to have at hand all the necessary information to contact the services offered there, as well as the location to to be able to get to the medical center without inconvenience.

Promotions and plans: If the goal is to sell, it is important that you place all the promotions and plans that you offer within the clinic in a very visible way and that it attracts the attention of your users. You can even create a section on the cover of the page home of the clinic so that it is visible to your users when entering the website.

Medical insurance, payment methods and financing: Publicizing the different medical insurances with which they work, accepted payment methods and financing plans in the different treatments, medical consultations and exams will be of great value when your users make the decision. decision to visit your clinic.

Testimonials: Knowing success stories can often help other patients identify and choose the medical service for the security of feeling that it works.

Have a responsive design: Currently more than 70% of Internet searches are carried out through mobile devices, the medical center’s website must be optimized for mobile devices and in this way you can reach a larger audience in your market.

Advantages of having a website for a medical office

Disclose all the information of interest to patients, quickly, such as: hours of care, days of medical consultation, requirements for certain tests or treatments, specialties to be treated, methods of payment and accepted medical insurance, location and contact numbers.

Schedule appointments on the medical center website: you can schedule an appointment at any time, through contact forms, electronic schedules, and even directly on WhatsApp Business.

Facilities for the patient: the web pages of doctors are of great help for patients, you can make online consultations, verify medical analyzes, renew recipes, schedule operations, exams or consult, all in one place.


The creation of a web page design for doctors should be focused on generating trust with patients, and not only have an attractive view, it is important to highlight that they are experts in their specialties and offer testimonials of how they have helped other people to improve their lifestyles, is a great way to do it.

At H&H Express we help you boost your brand on the internet, you can start offering your medical services from your website. We generate a marketing strategy for doctors and help you position yourself above your competition and appear in the main places on Google. Next one of our clients Dr. Roberto García.

Start attracting more patients with your website!

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